hmm.. s0 ii chAnGe my bLogsKin le..
giVe c0mMenTs baHhS =)
dUn tHinK ii wAnNa add soNgs le.. laZy.. lolx
th3n f0r da liNks, duNno why.. g0t soMe naMes is stRike de..
ii duN wAn StriKe Lor.. bUt duNno h0w to cHaNge.. LoLx
so juZ let it be bAhHs.. hAha
theN iF eUu thinK my entRies t0o pLaiN le, cOs aLL bLacK..
thEn soRRy la.. cos ii dUN waN it tO bE coLouRfuL, so ChaNge to aLL bLaCk.. LoLx
then if euu tHinK da eNtRieS harD to rEad, then dun reAd loR =D
ii wOnt foRce euu to read de.. lolx
then wHy ii nVr poSt for the laSt dunnO hoW maNy daYs?
it is cOs ii laZy.. lolx
giVe c0mMenTs baHhS =)
dUn tHinK ii wAnNa add soNgs le.. laZy.. lolx
th3n f0r da liNks, duNno why.. g0t soMe naMes is stRike de..
ii duN wAn StriKe Lor.. bUt duNno h0w to cHaNge.. LoLx
so juZ let it be bAhHs.. hAha
theN iF eUu thinK my entRies t0o pLaiN le, cOs aLL bLacK..
thEn soRRy la.. cos ii dUN waN it tO bE coLouRfuL, so ChaNge to aLL bLaCk.. LoLx
then if euu tHinK da eNtRieS harD to rEad, then dun reAd loR =D
ii wOnt foRce euu to read de.. lolx
then wHy ii nVr poSt for the laSt dunnO hoW maNy daYs?
it is cOs ii laZy.. lolx
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